Hurricane Preparations Start Now!
If you live in the southeast, you should have a hurricane emergency plan.
Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 every year and while most hurricanes are active in September and October, a hurricane could develop in the other months.
Hurricane prep for your family, home and business should start now, while the skies are blue and the sun is shining and most people are enjoying the beach.
Doesn’t matter whether you read this in June, July or August – Hurricane prep should be done weeks if not months before a named storm heads your way!
Protecting Your Business Property During a Hurricane
Besides your home and family, your business property will also need looking after during a hurricane.
What steps can you take today, to make that happen and how can you best protect your business property when a hurricane comes to the Grand Strand, or to the place where you reside?
Let’s look at 3 ways you can make an impact today, that will help you secure your business property later!
1) Create a Hurricane Prep Plan For Your Business
Much like a family emergency plan, and a hurricane preparation plan for your family, your business needs one as well.
This written plan should layout how to prepare your building for a hurricane, different scenarios depending on the severity and strength of the hurricane, who will be in charge when the hurricane hits, whom to contact after a hurricane (electric company, water company, contractor, insurance agent), your insurance paperwork and suppliers information and other important details you will need, to keep your business afloat in times of inclement weather.
- Lists are your friend when things get hectic.
- Lists will help you stay focused in a time of chaos.
- Lists can keep you on track to complete all tasks.
You see, panic sets in once the local news stations merely hint at a possible storm, and supplies will be gone before you know it.
As business owners who’ve lived on the Grand Strand nearly 10 years, we’ve seen a few storms head our way and we’ve seen business owners (as well as local residents) be ill-prepared.
Don’t get caught without a plan!
2) Set Up Remote Monitoring For Your Business Property
How scary will it be if you have to evacuate and leave everything you know and love behind?
Super scary! We know first-hand.
However, there are ways you can still keep an eye on your home and business property in case of a storm when you need to hunker down or evacuate; remote monitoring!
We offer this service to monitor your business year-round to
- monitor employees
- prevent theft
- monitor for break-ins and fire
now add
- monitor during a hurricane
as another reason to get a remote monitoring system installed at your business property!
With this system in place, you can watch in real-time what is happening.
This monitoring becomes vital after a hurricane has come and gone as flooding and looting are two concerns that pop up afterward!
3) Order Hurricane Supplies Now
Last but not least, do the following as soon as you can, before any storm hits the Atlantic waters and stirs up the Grand Strand!
- hire a contractor or handyman to cut boards for your business property windows
- buy a generator
- test your current alarm system
- purchase extra batteries from your security company
- get your hands on sandbags (Amazon is great for that!)
We’ve been through several hurricanes since moving to the Grand Strand area from Maryland and each one is as unpredictable as the next.
It’s not just the wind and rain you have to account for, but also flooding afterward!
Your Security, Our Business
Come talk to us about hurricane prep!